Content Creator

ID оголошення: 290884

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Content Manager
Are you searching for position where your opinion and ideas matter?
If so, you'll be right at home at PlacidWay. We are always looking for talented, motivated individuals who would like to help us increase customer satisfaction using the ideas, suggestions and feedbacks from our team members!
PlacidWay is currently looking for experienced Content Manager to manage remote / virtual team of content creators. You will be responsible for creating, improving and maintaining content to achieve our business goals. Your duties will also include sharing content to raise brand awareness and monitoring web traffic and metrics to identify best practices.
Our ideal candidate is an experienced professional with demonstrable creative writing skills. As a Content Manager, you should perform well under deadlines and be detail-oriented. If you are also an expert in content optimization and brand consistency, we would like to meet you.

Main Responsibilities:
• Develop content strategy aligned with short-term and long-term marketing targets
• Create and publish engaging content
• Edit, proofread and improve writers’ posts
• Liaise with content writers to ensure brand consistency
• Make sure that content is optimized according to SEO best practices
• Use CMS (Content Management System) to analyze website traffic and users engagement metrics
• Manage content distribution to online channels and social media platforms to increase web traffic
• Ensure compliance with law (e.g. copyright and data protection)
• Stay up-to-date with developments and generate new ideas to draw audience’s attention

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Content Creator

ID оголошення: 290884

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