Customer Service Representative

ID оголошення: 290886

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Are you searching for position where your opinion and ideas matter?
If so, you'll be right at home at PlacidWay. We are always looking for talented, motivated individuals who would like to help us increase customer satisfaction using the ideas, suggestions and feedbacks from our team members!
PlacidWay is currently looking for experienced Customer Service Representative to expand our team with energetic individuals who are looking to grow with an organization.
The successful candidate will work on a consultative basis to give solutions to our patients/customers in the health market using the latest technology. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in meeting goals, follow the guidelines, works with minimal supervision; be efficient and proactive in completing tasks; be flexible and demonstrate closing deals skills.
The ideal candidate must have an entrepreneurial mindset, drive and motivation to be successful.
Main responsibilities:
• Analyzing patient requests and understanding their medical needs
• Researching in database and finding the best solutions that will fit patient medical needs
• Coordinating patient case with clinics that offer desired treatment
• Developing a thorough knowledge of all our products and services
• Manage prospects and a pipeline
• Organize and maintain customer relationship management (CRM) system and customer correspondence.
• Using the latest technology for communication such as Skype, WhatsApp, Emails etc.
• Working with key accounts to develop business relationship with them and conduct meetings on a weekly basis
• Providing Online Chat Support to the website visitors on the professional manner
• Communicate clearly and professionally verbally and in writing
• Represent the company and its products in an ethical and professional manner
• Short sales cycle experience
• Cultivate and maintain good patient/customer relationships
• Develop partnerships and alliances

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Customer Service Representative

ID оголошення: 290886

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