Sales Regional Manager

ID оголошення: 290885

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Are you searching for position where your opinion and ideas matter?
If so, you'll be right at home at PlacidWay. We are always looking for talented, motivated individuals who would like to help us increase customer satisfaction using the ideas, suggestions and feedbacks from our team members!
PlacidWay is currently looking for experienced Sales Regional Manager to manage remote / virtual team of customer service representatives.
The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in managing revenue goals, managing day-to-day operations of a remote team, training team members, and building relationships with customers.
The ideal candidate will be the leader and be able to work with minimal supervision; be efficient and proactive in completing tasks; goals driven, able to analyze business and customer needs and have significant experience in growing the key performance metrics company.
We are looking for a self-starter who is very motivated and aggressive, self-disciplined and results driven. Position would require making calls to new opportunities and closing deals.
Main responsibilities:
• Existing customer relationship management - manage and grow business opportunities with our existing customers. Developing and solidifying customer relationships with prospects and customers
• Customer Call Center Team Management - manage team, team training, increase productivity, provide training and grow the sales
• Special Projects Management - manage special company projects assigned to increase team performance and productivity
• Partnership Development and Management - manage partnerships with various channels which will generate business and grow the business.
• Profit & Loss Management: manage groups P & L.
Key Requirements:
• A minimum of 5 years of team management experience
• Able to present strategic as well as tactical business plans to manage operations
• Demonstrated revenue growth experience

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Sales Regional Manager

ID оголошення: 290885

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